4 МАРТА 2013


For Immediate Release


Leading Scientists, Technologists, Neuroscientists, Spiritual and Secular Leaders to Gather at the Second International Global Future 2045 Congress — June 15-16 in New York City



New York, NY (March 4, 2013) — Visionaries and world-class practitioners in science, technology and ethics will join educators, futurists, philosophers and spiritual leaders at the 2nd International Global Future 2045 congress at the Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, New York, June 15-16, 2013.


Global Future 2045 is a one of a kind congress, premised on the notion that the world stands on the brink of global change. In order for civilization to move to a higher stage of development, humanity vitally needs a scientific revolution and significant spiritual changes that will be inseparably linked, supporting and supplementing each other.


GF2045 discussions will include global challenges and science mega-projects to address them and insights on these matters from various spiritual traditions. The main focus will be the Avatar project, which includes the development of anthropomorphic robots, telepresence systems, brain-computer interfaces (BCI), life-support systems for the brain, neuroprostheses, whole brain modeling, consciousness theory, and roadmaps for non-biological mind substrates.


Dmitry Itskov, founder of the 2045 Initiative and organizer of the Global Future 2045 congress said:“Civilization is in the midst of a sea change, ushering in a new era of foresighted, self-directed spiritual and corporeal human evolution.” Itskov continued: “The mission of GF2045 is to shape the imminent capability for self-directed evolution into a strategy to benefit all of mankind. 


Speakers at Global Future 2045 include:


Ray Kurzweil — Director of Engineering, Google; futurist and inventor, co-founder, Singularity University, and author of How to Create a Mind and The Singularity is Near.


Dr. Marvin Minsky — A.I. pioneer, professor of Media Arts and Science, MIT Media Lab.


Dr. George Church — Harvard University PhD, molecular geneticist, pioneer in personal genomics and synthetic biology.


Dr. James Martin — British author and entrepreneur and the largest individual benefactor to the University of Oxford in its 900-year history.


Dr. Peter H. Diamandis — Founder and Chairman, X Prize Foundation, Co-founder, Singularity University, author of Abundance.


Dr. David Hanson — Robotics designer and researcher, creating androids: humanlike robots with intelligence and feelings.


Dr. Hiroshi Ishiguro — Android Creator; Director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory in Osaka, Japan. Dr.


Theodore Berger — USC Professor, brain prosthesis technology developer.


Dr. Ed Boyden — Optogeneticist, neuroscientist at MIT; associate member McGovern Institute for Brain Research.


Mahayogi ‘Pilot’ Baba — Self-realized Siddha Master. Mahamandaleshwar of the Juna Akhara Order of Hindu Monks.


Dr. Amit Goswami — Professor Emeritus from the Theoretical Physics Department of the University of Oregon.


Visit the Global Future 2045 website for complete agenda details and speaker bios.


Note to media: Credentialed members of the press wishing to cover Global Future 2045 in New York must pre-register at www.GF2045.com.


For interviews, contactPR@2045.com


For general information on the GF2045congress, group ticket sales and sponsorship, contact: info@GF2045.com

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